Zine Panel Rescheduling

Due to inclement weather, the Las Odiosas panel and feminist zine debut event was postponed. It will now take place January 20th from 5-8 pm at the Dominican Women’s Development Center (715 W 179 St). Peep the new flyer on IG.

Yours truly will be there to buy some copies of the zine featuring two of my new poems as well as soak up woke vibes from the panelists and artists in attendance.

I am excited about connecting with fellow “weirdos of color”.

❤ M.F.

New Zine Alert 

Hello interested people of the internet!

Two new poems of mine will be printed in a local (Bronx) women of color issue-focused zine put out by Las Odiosas. Check them out on IG.

The December 9th zine opening will coincide with A Very Feminist Zine: The Woes of Being aWeirdoof Colour Panel. This topic is *super* relevant to my entire odd ball existence growing up/today and I’m thrilled/honoured to be a part of the larger conversation. Always interested in making more woke bae friends and artists!

Will post poems on this blog as soon as an approved online version is released. Or I’ll post photos of the paper zine pages.

More work to come in 2018! (I am almost done with writing my first novel).

Luv and blood,
